2021/10/20 Question Use the remainder of the session to research examples of politics affecting media in one or more of the following media: Games, Film, TV, Advertising, Animation. After the 1980s, with the rise of the network society, the new media supported by digital technology has become the most widely disseminated and popular information carrier… Continue reading Politics in Film and Media
Author: Kaiwen Xiao
Bouncing Ball!
2021/10/14 A simple exercise and some further research. This video includes both Bouncing Ball with Travel and Bouncing Ball Obstacle Course. I chose the first rig to make the first part of bouncing ball animation. (The first rig couldn’t replace the material, so I just replaced the model.) I tried to link the two animations… Continue reading Bouncing Ball!
Good Animation and “Bad” Animation
2021/10/14 Whether 2D animation or 3D animation, they share same animation principles. With the development of CGI technology, 3D animation represented by Disney has become a major mainstream. Its free expression of action and excellent presentation of materials are a big advantage of 3D animation. The addition of various technologies, such as motion capture, has also led… Continue reading Good Animation and “Bad” Animation
12 Principles of Animation
2021/10/14 It’s just some notes. Appeal Adjust proportions, such as zooming in or out of different parts, to exaggerate the character’s personality Different characters use different shapes to add features Simplify and highlight features to facilitate painting Staging The whole performance should be divided into sections, and the order and time of attention of the… Continue reading 12 Principles of Animation
About Disney Hyperrealism
2021/10/13 Question Paul Wells suggests that ‘Animation as a form has predominantly been understood as a ‘cartoon’ medium, and largely defined by the presence, and performance of Disney Animation from 1928 to the present day. lt may be argued, therefore, that all other forms of animation may be addressed through the ways they relate to… Continue reading About Disney Hyperrealism
The history of Film, Animation and VFX
2021/10/8 Just sort of collating the history, helping to understand the relationship between them. Not a lot of deep understanding. Animation is another form of expression of film, not independent of film and television. Traditional film and animation share the same basic rules. In the process of studying animation, the narrative techniques and lens language and… Continue reading The history of Film, Animation and VFX