Project summary – Final Major Project – NO FLOWERS

This blog will show the results and process of the project. It includes a video of the final project, a showreel of the coursework, links to process blogs, links to miro and a summary of the process. Links to process blogs FMP – Brief and Script FMP – Character Design and Modeling FMP – Texture… Continue reading Project summary – Final Major Project – NO FLOWERS

FMP – Editing and Effects

The project process is also followed up in the miro link. The final editing is done in After Effects as well as Premiere. In addition to the compositing sequence, I needed to add some light and shadow effects to the footage. To give the image a more formal feel. The animation is not dubbed… Continue reading FMP – Editing and Effects

FMP – AI Generate

The project process is also followed up in the miro link. As the animation is related to the AI theme, I have used AI generation in two places in the animation. 1. Ai-generated flower images In contrast to the girls who grow flowers in the traditional way, the robots use technological means to generate… Continue reading FMP – AI Generate

FMP – Dynamic

The project process is also followed up in the miro link. There are two parts to this character that use dynamics. The ropes for the hair and the sweater, respectively. There is another prop that appears, a piece of paper, which also requires dynamics. Initially I tried using bones and an Ik controller for… Continue reading FMP – Dynamic

FMP – Scene

The project process is also followed up in the miro link. The scenes in the animation are divided into two main parts, partly produced by 3D modelling and partly hand-drawn. For example, this is the balcony where the characters are located. The main body of the balcony is in 3D. I use aitoon material.… Continue reading FMP – Scene

FMP – Character Animation

The project process is also followed up in the miro link. When designing larger movements, web video footage as well as personal real-life shots are used as references. Here are some screenshots of the process. The animation is mainly chat and there is no significant animation.

FMP – Character Rigging

The project process is also followed up in the miro link. Body rigging I used the automatic rigging plugin Advancedskeleton5. Nothing else special. The hair and the rope on the chest are not bound because of the dynamics to be added. Face rigging The previously mentioned eyes are not suitable for applying automatic binding… Continue reading FMP – Character Rigging

FMP – Texture

The project process is also followed up in the miro link. Textures in this style are not as complex as those in previous projects. But it needs special treatment in some places. For the overall material I use Maya’s default surfaceShader. This means I don’t need to worry about lighting, but I need to… Continue reading FMP – Texture

FMP – Character Design and Modeling

The project process is also followed up in the miro link. There are three main characters that appear in this animation, the girl, the neighbour robot and the supervillain robot. Character 1: The Girl Character Design Since it is a flat style picture, I tried to combine the character style with the Japanese celluloid… Continue reading FMP – Character Design and Modeling

FMP – Brief and Script

The project process is also followed up in the miro link. The Title: NO FLOWERS A story of a girl and her robot neighbor secretly planting flowers on their balcony in a city where flowers are banned. This is a small snippet of their daily chat. There are two main points expressed. 1. A… Continue reading FMP – Brief and Script