Project summary – Final Major Project – NO FLOWERS

This blog will show the results and process of the project. It includes a video of the final project, a showreel of the coursework, links to process blogs, links to miro and a summary of the process.

Final Major Project – NO FLOWERS
Showreel of the Coursework

Links to process blogs

Links to Miro

Summary of the Process

A summary of the process is below and all the content is also available in the Links to process blogs.

Brief and Script


A story of a girl and her robot neighbor secretly planting flowers on their balcony in a city where flowers are banned. This is a small snippet of their daily chat.

There are two main points expressed.

1. A discussion on AI generation

In the story the girl uses traditional methods to grow flowers and the robot uses technology to generate them. This is a way to show the topic of AI and artificiality today.

2.The powerlessness of people under the power of force

The story is set against the backdrop of a law that forbids the planting of flowers, and the two protagonists have to go around avoiding planting flowers in secret. A chat to reflect some of their thoughts.


Part 1 – The girl comes out onto the balcony and meets up with the neighbour robot.

1close-upA corner of the balcony
2close-up of the feetThe girl comes to the balcony
3close-upgirl pick up the watering can
4medium shotgirl watering flower
5close-uprobot typing on screen
6medium shotGirl hear the voice and turns to robot
7medium shotrobot stop typing and turn to girl
8long shotPanoramic view of the balcony

Part 2 – Chat about Blue Lilies

1subtitleGreetings to each other
2close-upWhite liliy grown by girls
3medium shotGirl watering flowers
4medium shotRobot looking at the girl’s blue hair
5subtitleThe robot asks if she likes blue
girl says yes
6subtitleThe robot asks her why she doesn’t plant blue lilies
7close-upgirl looks at the white lily
8subtitleGirl says lilies are not blue

Part 3 – Chat about Blue LiliesChat about traditionally grown flowers and technologically generated flowers

1close-upThe robot looks at the bud of the flowers in his machine.
2subtitleThe robot asks the girl if she doesn’t like these generated flowers.
3close-upThe girl thinks about that kind of flower.
4subtitleThe girl said she didn’t like it before.

Part 4 – Chat about the law that says no flowers are allowed.

1medium shotThe robot continues to type
2subtitleThe robot asks the girl what he will do when the law enforcement officer arrives
3long shotShot of street with warning sign for no flowers
4subtitleThe girl says she doesn’t know
5subtitleThe robot asks the girl if she still wants to move to another place
6close-upThe girl recalls the law enforcement officer knocking on her door earlier
7medium shotThe enforcement officer shows a warning slip
8long shotGirl travels around looking for a place to plant flowers where the law does not apply
9subtitleGirl says no she doesn’t want to run away.

Part 5 – The robot presents the girl with a blue lily

1close-upThe robot continues to type
2medium shotRobot’s buds blossom into a blue lily
3close-upThe robot gives the lily to the girl
4subtitleThe girl says thanks


The animation is in a flat illustration style. Reference below.

There is no realistic light or shadow. Mostly aitoon materials are used as well as surface shaders. There will be a lot of hand-painted textures.

Character Design and Modeling

There are three main characters that appear in this animation, the girl, the neighbour robot and the supervillain robot.

Character 1: The Girl

Character Design

Since it is a flat style picture, I tried to combine the character style with the Japanese celluloid anime style.

In this project I tried to use a dynamic system, so I can try to start with short hair with a simple structure.

Character Modeling

Models in this style are quite different from other types in the face. I researched some models online.

The biggest difference is the structure of the eyes, which are not spherical in the usual sense. The iris part is a disc. There is no eyeball structure, and the white part of the eye relies on a concave surface to provide color.

The reason for this should be to make the model look in the anime style from the side.

Referring to this structure I made similar eyes. But how to rig the face in this kind of eyes is a problem.

The final model is as follows.

Character 2&3: The Neighbour Robot and the Supervillain Robot

Except for the girl character, the other characters are robots. This fits in with the AI-themed story background. Different electronic devices are used as heads as the main way to distinguish them from each other. Character Design references to the anime FLCL and music game Cytus II.

Cytus II

The main parts of the robot’s body are of the same design, distinguished mainly in the two parts of the head and the clothing. This way they can use the same rig, by simply replacing parts of the model. The Neighbour Robot is designed as follows.

I replaced my clothes with suits to fit the identity of a regulator. I tried to replace the head with a different one.

The final choice was to use the camera.


Textures in this style are not as complex as those in previous projects. But it needs special treatment in some places.

For the overall material I use Maya’s default surfaceShader. This means I don’t need to worry about lighting, but I need to draw shadows myself to differentiate the structure.

In the jaw area, two color separations are used in this part to allow it to distinguish both the shade and the structure.

For the hair I used nodes and made it two different colors on the front and back.

This style does not take into account real light and shadow.

Character Rigging

Body rigging

I used the automatic rigging plugin Advancedskeleton5. Nothing else special. The hair and the rope on the chest are not bound because of the dynamics to be added.

character 1
character 2
character 3

Face rigging

The previously mentioned eyes are not suitable for applying automatic binding due to their different structures.
It works by building a virtual sphere to find the center of rotation.

But there are still problems at some angles, so creating a separate rig that translates rather than rotates would be more suitable for this type of model.

Some small objects, such as flowers, also need to be rigged.

Character Animation

When designing larger movements, web video footage as well as personal real-life shots are used as references.

Here are some screenshots of the process.

The animation is mainly chat and there is no significant animation.


The scenes in the animation are divided into two main parts, partly produced by 3D modelling and partly hand-drawn.

For example, this is the balcony where the characters are located.

The main body of the balcony is in 3D. I use aitoon material. The plants on the balcony are painted by hand. Use the picture as a surface material.

Here are some of the renderings that came out.

As the rendering style is flat, it can be combined well with hand-drawn illustrations.


There are two parts to this character that use dynamics. The ropes for the hair and the sweater, respectively. There is another prop that appears, a piece of paper, which also requires dynamics.

Initially I tried using bones and an Ik controller for dynamic effects.

Since the front hair is not separated and the back hair is a complete piece, the effect is not very good.

Then I used ncloth directly to use the hair as cloth.

The effect is as follows.

The same approach is applied to props.

Same for other props.

AI Generate

As the animation is related to the AI theme, I have used AI generation in two places in the animation.

1. Ai-generated flower images

In contrast to the girls who grow flowers in the traditional way, the robots use technological means to generate them. This alludes to AI-generated technology. I have therefore used a large number of AI-generated images to represent these types of flowers.

This is the website I use:

I used one of my rendered flower images as a sample. A large number of AI-generated new flowers were obtained by means of picture generation images.

Rendered flower
AI-generated flowers

In the animation, the effect is as follows.

2. Ai-generated background music

The background music was also changed using ai-generated scores. I generated some scores by some descriptions limiting the style, tempo, instrumentation etc. The score is then adapted from these.

This is the website I use:

The score for the background music

Editing and Effects

The final editing is done in After Effects as well as Premiere.

In addition to the compositing sequence, I needed to add some light and shadow effects to the footage. To give the image a more formal feel.

The animation is not dubbed and subtitles are added to the animation in the form of a pantomime.

Add other sound effects to the animation.

10s Cut

Thanks for watching.

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